To awaken quite alone in a strange town is one of the pleasantest sensations in the world.” – Freya Stark
Oct 30th came bringing with it memories of the trip i had taken last year. Goa.. The accomodation was a gift from a dear friend, and the experience will remain with me lifelong!! It was quite a memorable trip, one that almost dint happen cos the friend who was to come along dropped out last minute.. But i went ahead, and had a whale of a time!!
Lot of people gape when i tell them i went to Goa alone, and spent 5 fun days at the paradise.Infact, was talking about the trip to a friend on sunday, and this is how the conversation went..
Me:[Sipping on tea, staring into nowhere]
N[my friend]: where you lost madam?
M: Was thinking about my Goa trip, last year this time, rather today i was there
N: Cool, so you went with friends! [wasnt a question, he assumed :)]
Me: Nope, went alone
N: [Gaped.... Gasped... Gaped] Oh wow, how come alone, and that too to Goa?
Me: Well, i had planned it with a friend, but last minute she dropped out due to work commitments, and i was in a dilemma on whether to go ahead or not. But finally, thanks to a little nudge from A, i did go ahead
N: How many days?
Me: 5 full fun days.
N: Wow, you are amazing.. never cease to amaze me
[Calls his wife and narrates the whole- she went to Goa alone shocker :D]
Me: I love travelling solo, and Goa has so much to offer
Does not matter if you have company or not, you can go around and enjoy the place
I saw so many beaches, temples, and the famous Fort Aguada
N & his wife: ooh, super.. We're yet to go to Goa as a couple...Have gone with friends..
N: Did you go to Titos? Tried Port wine ?
Me: I saw the place, but dint spend too much time there, it was an hour from the resort i stayed at.
Oh,yes!! Not just Port wine ;o) ... and brought back some too...
Did manage to spend quite some time at Curlys,a loungy place in Anjuna Beach... Also did some shopping at the flea market there
And ofcourse the visit to Caliz,a memorable one!!
N: Cool, so when we plan, i think we will take pointers from you on where all to go :)
Since my trip, have given inputs, suggestions to so many friends!!!
Hope to do more trips to Goa...Love the place!!